
Let’s Go There – SK Music

Let’s Go There – SK Music

Here’s the link to SK Music‘s debut single that has just come out on SoundCloud. This guy’s awesome; watch this space for an upcoming EP, and show your support by sharing this new musical talent around on your social networks.


BR3AKTHRU’s MadCon Book Corner – June

BR3AKTHRU’s MadCon Book Corner – June

Here is the link for June’s edition of BR3AKTHRU Magazine’s MadCon Book Corner, including reviews of Bark: Stories by Lorrie Moore and Under The Skin by Michel Faber

Details of July’s books will feature on the Poetic Rage Facebook page later this month, along with other exclusives linked to both blog and BR3AKTHRU developments.



Film reviews for Godzilla, The Two Faces Of January and Sabotage for BR3AKTHRU Magazine

Film reviews for Godzilla, The Two Faces Of January and Sabotage for BR3AKTHRU Magazine

Here is the link for my reviews of Godzilla, The Two Faces Of January and Sabotage: all in cinemas now. Reviews for X-Men: Days Of Future Past, Grace Of Monaco, Edge Of Tomorrow and A Million Ways To Die In The West will also be published on the BR3AKTHRU website soon. 


Does this work?

Does this work?

I…accidentally…stumbled across this One Direction/My Chemical Romance mashup whilst procrastinating on Youtube. I adore My Chemical Romance, and although I’m not fans of the infamously famous One Direction, I am definitely not violently opposed to their music. So the question is, does this mashup work? Kind of. It’s nothing on the original Teenagers by MCR, but I think the improvement of lyricism blasts away the original What Makes You Beautiful by 1D. Thus, to conclude, I think the mashup is a success.

Don’t hate.

Another successful mashup is Tik Tok Together: controversial? Perhaps.