Thames Feminist Society

So the other day my mate Maia invited me to like her page Thames Feminist Society, obviously knowing me as the avid feminist I am. In case you didn’t know this already, read Hot Feminist Ulterior review to catch up. Chop chop.

You too can like Maia’s page—stop being so stingy with your likes, you bastards! you weren’t like this in year 7—by clicking Thames Feminist Society so you can keep updated with the local feminist happenings in this area (Thames Valley peeps), as well as receive updates on the wonderful feminist movement’s general progression. I believe meet-ups, debates and discussions are on the to-do list.

I haven’t written much on here recently ’cause I’ve been too busy wanking and fighting stray dogs for food, but I’ll have some new shiz for you soon. Pinky promise.

2 thoughts on “Thames Feminist Society

  1. 😂😂It’s great that you’re supporting your friend’s work and the Facebook page is actually interesting. My classmates and I will be sure to look into it for our blog project✌✌

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